Monday, May 30, 2022

It tickles my fancy

Humour is no joke.

Over the past couple of years, indeed, since Covid hit the world, I began posting inane quotes, jokes and comic illustrations that had tickled my sense of humour.

We were undergoing a world crisis that could only have been something we see in fictional sci-fi movies.

Those first few month of Covid truly had most of the world’s population feeling shell-shocked, helpless, stressed, anxious, fearful, angry, disbelieving, protective …  so many emotions, so many based on not totally knowing or having predictions of the future. 

So nothing better than a good old laugh.

At least, that’s what I thought. 

I love laughter.  I love laughing.  I love movies or TV shows that make me laugh.  And I love one liner quips that bring an instant laugh.  Or giggle.

Despite many of you denying it – you’ve loved my comic quips and quotes.  And I’ve loved the comic, sometimes droll, often sighing quips that have come back.

Nothing wrong with a good laugh.

Did you know that laughing burns calories?  True.

Just 10 to 15 minutes of laughing a day can burn up to 40 calories – hence I try to laugh more than 15 minutes a day.  Despite some days finding it a bit of a challenge. 

Reality is when you see someone else laughing it almost always puts a smile on your own dial.  That’s the brain reacting.  Even just hearing a good bout of laughter has your brain making you smile.

I’m not sure if I should mention this, but scientists have proven that monkeys AND rats laugh.  We all knew monkeys did, but rats?  True though.  I read it somewhere on the internet – so it’s true. 

So I love it when I know I can make someone laugh.

That is why I have had a continual flow of one liners posted on FB.  If one person smiles at the inanity of it, then I have succeeded.

I am at my happiest when I have others over for dinner and around the dining table are reels of laughing throughout the meal.  Warm fuzzies abound. 

And we all have a varying sense of humour – that we all know – I cannot stand watching comics who unnecessarily use the f….. or other fowl words they consider makes a good comic.

My sense of humour is wider than most.  And despite Big Son’s ever going sighs at my attempt to humour him, I know he really does enjoy my quips on FB – especially the more inane ones.  Cause despite his denying it – he’s got the same sense of humour as humour is genetic.  There is a gene we all have that creates our appreciation of laughter.  You’ve got it son!  And I so vividly remember you laughing as a tiny wee baby ….. 

Since travelling to the UK there has been a break in my posting the comic quips.  Never fear, I feel the need to return to it.  Helped by a random visit to a random wee village in The Peak District this week, I discovered my own Tardis!

Couldn't believe my good fortune

Look, see …..  if you want to know more, check out the FB posts in the next few days.

Not only was I already in a happy place, walking over some of the most beautiful countryside in England - but someone in a tiny village has a sense of humour just like mine.

A phone box, covered in laugh out loud quips .....

My quips will be back .....


  1. Some of those FB quips are just so awful they are funny, others not so much….

  2. Enjoy the jokes, it puts a smile on the day, even a wonky one.
