It’s not
all gloom, doom, misery and grieving with me.
It may seem that way but that is
because I find writing about those times is very cathartic. Writing makes me feel better. I write when I have no one to talk to, when I
am feeling most alone and vulnerable. It
takes the vulnerability away. Seems to
unload a burden too. They say that a
trouble shared is a trouble halved. So
putting my troubles onto anyone who bothers to read them must be off loading
loads for me – and it works.
despite those glum times there are some really up times and some really
positive times and some really heartwarming times. And even some good old laugh out loud
times. I’ve had three of those
First one
was a voice message on my phone from a very long term friend of mine/ours who
has been invited to come to my son’s and his partner’s baby shower. Seems my long term friend intends to come,
which is great. But she phoned and left
a message along the lines of, “I was just wanting to talk to you about Sunday’s Baby Shower as we figured that it is
AGOOOOOOOOOOO that you had anything to do with babies that you wouldn’t have a
clue what to do or where to start.”
Now I
cannot put the emphasis on the real emphasis she had on the words ‘sooo looong
agooo’ that she left in her voice message.
What made me laugh is that she was being serious. Cheeky heifer.
And it made
me laugh. Laugh out loud. Wished I could have share it with Mr J. Hope he heard it. He would have laughed. And he would have agreed.
And then
lovely Global Wanderer Chick sends me an email.
If I can I will post at the end of this.
This one had me guffaw in a belly guffawing way. You figure that one out. Not so much belly laugh because there was an
element of smuttiness about it – so a belly guffaw is the best way of
describing it. I shared it with some
others. Some will find it offensive –
but as a coach to triathletes – and many of them presently seeking to purchase
a new bike for their next season, this picture seemed to be most timely. You will have to scroll down to see if I was
able to cut and paste it.
Later: Could not paste it in here. Maybe just as well. If you would like it, you will have to email me.
Later: Could not paste it in here. Maybe just as well. If you would like it, you will have to email me.
Then this
afternoon I had a text from one of my ‘athletes’. A very dear friend who has commissioned me to
be her coach for a major event next summer.
Earlier today we had a nutrition session, discussing the importance of
fruit and vegetables in an athlete’s daily diet. I suggested she endeavour to consume at least
5 pieces of fruit or vegetable a day to keep her body working well and have all
the right elements to fend of bots and viruses.
So this
afternoon I received this text – “Does 3 mandarins equate to 3 pieces of fruit
or one?” That did make me really belly
laugh. Laugh because it was cute. Laugh because it was a really good question. Laugh because she had clearly taken my advice
seriously, gone out and brought and eaten 3 mandarins, then didn't know how to
tick them off her 5 fruit or vege a day sheet.
Laugh because I knew I would have to think about the answer very
carefully. It made me laugh. That was so cute.
It’s at
these times that I really feel good.
Laughing has always made me feel good.
I received a wonderful card last week – a sympathy card – from a
relative who had also lost a dearly treasured husband some years ago – and in
it she wrote, “I know the pain you have been feeling - this grief is a long
journey. But Tony would hate to think
that you never laugh again because you have a beautiful unique laugh Verna. …”
It is
true. Tony loved my laugh. He used to tell me that all the time. He loved to hear me laugh. Well thanks friends – you've given me three
jolly good laughs today. I am lucky I
have you.

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