Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Writer's block

Have had writer’s block these past two or three weeks.   Funny how it happens.

There have been some momentous moments during the past period which would normally have contributed to a great blog, or many great blogs.  None more so than the birth of little Anthony Lyall Farnham last Wednesday, not quite a week ago.  So much had happened before that big day, so much has happened since yet finding the ability to type out on a screen my thoughts and feelings and views has been difficult.

There is no doubt that Anthony is a great blessing to have and will bring many years of pleasure and happiness to his parents and family, a life time full one would hope.  As with all parents and grandparents the hopes and dreams of what his life will be are little more than one of happiness, safety, security and joy. And there appears to be one particular uncle who intends to be around to help make most of that happen.  Lucky boy that Anthony is.

For me the day he was born will be memorable for more reasons than just his birth for his birth was one part of one huge day – be it the most important part – but there are at least half a dozen stories I could tell about that particular day, but I won’t.  Yet.  They can wait.

It seems that at the end of each day I tell myself that surely tomorrow will be less eventful, less time consuming, less hurried.  Then the next day comes and the phone will ring, or the door bell chime or the email will arrive, one or the other to add another element of unexpectedness into my day.

I do not lead a boring life.  And hopefully son and his son will ensure that will be the case forever.  

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