Yes, I confess to being an addict. I am totally addicted. I cannot help myself.
These past few months I have been trying to cover it up, trying to hide my addiction from friends and family. But I have been covertly ingesting my drug of choice when all have left and there is no one around.
It has eased my pain.
My addiction has not been helped by (and I am EVER SO GRATEFUL, SO KEEP IT COMING) everyone's good wishes and goodwill by arriving regularly with cakes, slices, danishes, truffles, chocolates, more cakes, more biscuits, more slices, more fruit buns .... it's turned me into a secret cake-biscuit-gooey-slice-nougat-anything-sweet addict.
And how do I know I am actually an addict?
Someone dropped a slice of something ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFULLY GOOEY, YUMMY, STICKY and TASTY chocolate, caramel slice today. Put it well away in the pantry knowing I have just come through 5 days of gooey, sticky, yummy total addictive behaviour - AND knowing I have not been able to move that 67 plus.... kg upholstery around my midriff. Thus the pantry it was placed - away from frothing and foaming mouth and shaky hands.
Then rushed out to take the cat to the vet for an emergency appointment. Only to pull into the vet's car park and realise I had forgotten the cat ... cause I had left the house eating the caramel slice ....
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