Thursday, September 19, 2013

A hug

I hugged a friend yesterday.

It was a special hug.

A much needed hug.

The friend needed the hug.

I needed to give it.

The friend did not realise they needed the hug at the time.  Nor that they were about to get a hug.  And maybe even felt a little awkward about the hug.  To others the friend appears to not be a hugging person.  

But they are.  I know.  

Because they have given me many hugs over the past 12 months.

Each one of those was a special hug.  With the hug came love.  Not that kind of love; not the love one has as a partner or lover.  But the love for a friend that expresses caring, empathy, compassion and respect.

When I got those hugs I needed that love. 

Yesterday it was my turn to hug, with that love.

Today, they rang, to thank me for the hug.  It was special.  The hug.  And the phone call.

It’s all about the value of being a real friend.  A real friend knows when a hug is needed.

It is the Real Friend currency.


It all goes back to a previous blog - it's not always about you.

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